Some of the best rocky trail riding in the country
Unique landscape
Fantastic MTB events
A great supporting MTB community

MTB of Alexandra are a voluntary group who oversea mountain biking in the local area. Responsible for keeping local trails in good condition, developing new trails and advocating on behalf of its members.
With the development of Matangi Mountainbike Park, the club has been and will continue to be heavily involved in trail creation and maintenance and liaising with the Sanders family (Owners of Matangi Station) to make sure the product is of a high standard.

Alexandra offering some of the best MTB riding in NZ
Matangi MTB Park (35 Tracks)
Boot Hill Loop
Airport Trail (Classic and Easy)
Butchers Dam Trails
Purple Haze
Rock of Doom
Black and Blue
Lake Dunstan Trail
Lake Roxburgh Trail
Otago Central Railtrail